Control block functions
  • Switch on, for jolt- and impact-free start-up
  • Shut off to isolate drive axes from fluid supply
  • Set-up mode, for moving at reduced speed
  • Short-circuiting of the chambers, for control-related damping optimisation
General functions
Shut-off function P

This function disconnects the actuator from the pressure supply. This is achieved with lock valves in the pressure line P.

Defined sinking

Setting the sinking speed may be necessary in some cases to protect persons or components. This is realised with a lowering brake valve (back pressure valve) in the return line.

Variable flow rate

For high dynamics, several servo valves are connected using a mounting block to enable a high flow rate. At low speeds, only one small valve is used. This is realised with two or more control or directional valves.

Each control block is to be individually designed for the respective application. This customising is carried out by the hydraulic block specialists at Hänchen. Below you can find possible functions that may be integrated into the block.

Safety functions

In addition to the technical function, machines must also meet the safety requirements specified by the risk assessment in order to keep the danger to people low. By means of a redundant design, the following hydraulic functions can be used as safety functions for PLe:

Reduced speed

In set-up mode, it may be necessary to reduce the speed to avoid safety-related hazards. This is realised by a bypass with lock valve V2 and throttle V5 and a lock valve V1 in the main flow.

Shut-off A and/ or B

The cylinder position is kept under force by locking the oil in the chambers. This is achieved with the lock valves V1 and/or V2 in lines A and/or B. In the case of throttle gaps inside of the consumer, the functional oil lines must also be shut off.
