Experience Precision and Efficiency with the Low-Friction Ratio-Clamp® – Ideal for Sensitive, High-Dynamic Applications. Discover Our Pressure Piston Seal Technology!
Advantages of locking unit with pressure piston seal:
  • for particularly sensitive applications
  • low sliding friction
  • speeds of up to 2 m/s possible
  • pressure-independent sliding friction

Functional principle of hydraulic rod clamps with pressure piston seal

The functional principle of hyddraulic clamping device Ratio-Clamp®  is based on the principle of frictional contact: In the pressureless initial position the force stored in the springs is diverted over the cone and clamps down on a round rod. The applied hydraulic releasing pressure moves the locking piston against the spring force to unlock the clamp.

Clamping device Ratio-Clamp® with pressure piston seal
A pressure piston seal that doesn't touch the rod replaces the pressurised sealing elements on clamping sleeve and locking piston. Thus, the very low sliding friction is not influenced by the releasing pressure and will remain constant.

Clamping device Ratio-Clamp® with pressure piston seal
Technical drawings and CAD dataCAD data for the clamping unit can be found in our HÄKO or at Cadenas.

Technical data of locking unit with pressure piston seal

Since clamping geometry and spring are identical to those of the standard Ratio-Clamp®, the same clamping forces can be realised. Due to the smaller hydraulic working area, however, the minimum admissible releasing pressure increases. The max. releasing pressure remains at 160 bar.

  • for all round rods with hard surfaces
  • load capacity independent of direction
  • after 2 million switching cycles the Ratio-Clamp® shall be inspected at the factory
  • max. rod speed: 1 m/s with Servocop®, 2 m/s with pressure piston seal
  • max. releasing pressure: 160 bar
  • working temperatures: -30°C bis +80°C
  • fluids: mineral oils, others like water, HFC or Skydrol® on request
Technical data
Clamping unit
Here you can find all technical data for our clamping unit Ratio-Clamp® on an overview sheet

+ Releasing pressure
+ Locking
+ Sealing system
+ Certification
Basic design
With spring power
Basic design
With spring power
Pressure piston seal
Rod Ø
holding load
Releasing pressure
holding load
Releasing pressure
 16  10     60   
 18  12,5  55    12,5  75   
 20  14     55     14     75   
 22  17     70     17     90   
 25  20     70     20     90   
 28  31,5  90     31,5  120   
 30  40     105     40     135   
 32  40     60     40     90   
 36  45     75    45     100   
 40  50     80     50     100   
 45  65     70     65     90   
 50  80     90     80     110   
 56  90     75     90     100   
 60  100     75     100     100   
 63  100     85     100     110   
 70  140     80     140     110   
 80  180     90     180     110   
 90  200     65    200    85   
 100  250     75     250     95   
 110  300     65     300     90   
 120  330     70     330     90   
 125  350     75     350     90   
 140  450     65   
 160  750     90   

Other holding forces and rod Ø on request.
Hydraulic locking is possible up to 2,000 kN holding load and 300 mm rod Ø.
The stated values apply to operation with mineral oil. The holding load may differ when using other fluids.
